Cara Menanam Buah Tin

Buah tin , buah yang banyak mengandung kasiat mengobati beberapa penyakit, diantaranya :
a. Mengurangi sesak napas,
b. membersihkan hati dan limpa
c. pengencer dahak
d. cegah kanker dan kencing manis.
e. Serta memberi kasiat yang baik bagi tubuh.
Didalam daging buah tin terdapat :
1. mengandung senyawa polyphenols yang tinggi, fungsinya sebagai antioksidan
2. Mengandung senyawa benzaldehyde dan coumarins yang merupakan bahan antti kanker dan anti tumor, swrta merawat kulit.
3. Mengandung serat, kalium dan magnesium yang berfungsi mengurangi serangan angin dan mampu mengontrol tekanan darah tinggi.
Setelah mengetahui khasiat dan manfa’at buah tin berikut ini adalah cara pembudidayaannya. Budidaya buah tin dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, dengan menanam bijinya inipun memakan waktu yang cukup lama dari berbagai cara tersebut berikut ini ada dua cara yang Raja Jempol anggap paling mudah dan efisien.

Dengan cara mencangkok

1. Pilihlah batang buah tin yang muda dan berkulit hijau karena perkaran lebih cepat dan banyak.
2. Persiapkan alatnya yaitu plastik transparan dan cocopeat murni
3. Membalut batang tin dengan cocopeat yang sudah dibungkus plastik transparan.
4. Panjang areal cangkokan cukup 10-15cm saja
5. Mengikat media cangkokan pada bagian pangkal dan ujungnya menggunakan tali rafia
6. Melakukan penyiraman media tanam cangkokan, setiap harinya lewat celah-celah yang disiapkan sebelumnya.
7. Umur 30-45 hari cangkokan sudah memiliki banyak peranakan, siap dipotong dan dipindah kemedia normal.

Dengan cara stek batang

1. Memotong-motong batang atau cabang tanaman tin yang sudah tua [kulit berwarna kecoklatan atau ungu] dengan ukuran 10-15 cm
2. Bahan stek tadi dipotong miring
3. Setelah stek siap, kemudian disemai ditempat persemaian yang sudah terdapat media pasir atau cocopeat murno didalamnya.
4. Bekas potongan bagian atas pada bahan stek tadi dilapisi lilin untuk mencegah kebusukan.
5. Lakukan penyiraman setiap hari seraya menjaga media tanam tetap lembab
6. Umur 45 hari, bahan stek memiliki perkaran dalam jumlah banyak
7. Sa’at itu bahan stek siap dipindah kelahan baru atau pot dengan media normal.

Bibit tanaman buah tin baik dari hasil cangkokan maupun stek lebih efesien ditanam dipot dibanding ditanam dalam lahan terbuka, terutama untuk kalangan warga perkotaan yang memiliki lahan sempit.
Menamam dalam pot media tanam yang disiapkan adalah campuran tanah, cocopeat, kotoran kambing dan sekam mentah dengan perbandingan 1:1:1:1. Media tanam ini diamsukkan kedalam pot dengan diameter 30-50 cm. Bahan pot dari smen, plastik, seng atau lainnya.

Setelah media siap bibit buah tin dari cangkokan maupun stek ditanam didalamnya, perwatan cukup menyiram setiap 1-3 hari sekali. Agar pertumbuhan sempurna setiap 6 bulan sekali diberi kotoran kambing, cukup ditebar pada permukaan media tnama dan diaduk sedikit. Ketika berumur 4 bulan buah tin sudah mulai menghasilkan. [sumber agrobisnis]

Selamat bertanam buah tin semoga bermanfaat.
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Jenis Buah Ara/Tin

Buah tin muda biasanya dikonsumsi sebagai olahan sayur, dimasak dengan aneka daging atau campuran selada. Jika sudah tua dan matang sangat lezat dikonsumsi sebagai buah meja. Di Timur Tengah maupun Eropa, tin termasuk buah mewah dan sangat mahal. Dulunya hanya dikonsumsi kalangan bangsawan atau di saat acara-acara istimewa.

Seiring dengan majunya teknologi pertanian, kini buah tin makin mudah didapat dengan harga yang relatif lebih terjangkau. Di negara-negara Eropa, buah tin lebih popular dengan sebutan buah fig. Sepintas buah ini memiliki rasa dan aroma yang mirip dengan jambu biji. Aromanya harum semerbak, teksturnya empuk, rasanya keset, manisnya sedang, sedikit mengandung air dan berbiji banyak.

Jika kita mengunyahnya, di dalam rongga mulut akan timbul sensasi menyenangkan karena biji-biji kecilnya yang tergigit. Selain sebagai buah meja, tin juga sangat lezat dijadikan juice, campuran pudding, isi cake, manisan kering atau dikalengkan dalam sirup gula. Tingginya kandungan pectin, menjadikan buah ini sangat cocok dijadikan sebagai bahan baku selai, jelly, jam, maupun marmalade dengan rasa lezat dan keharuman semerbak.

Jenis buah Ara/Tin :

Black Ischia
Berasal dari Italia. Buahnya berbentuk seperti pir dengan tangkai buah pendek. Ukurannya cukup besar, panjang 6,35 cm dan lebar 3,8 cm-kira-kira sebesar jambu air. Warna ungu tua sampai hitam dengan dasar buah kehijauan dan noda keemasan. Daging buah merah keunguan dengan rasa enak seperti sawo. Daun mejari 3 dan mengkilap. Black ischia cocok dijadikan tabulampot.

Panache Tiger
Ukurannya kecil sampai sedang dengan warna buah hijau bergaris-garis kuning. Daging buah berwarna merah terang. Buah muda berciri mulus tanpa bintik. Padahal bintik pada buah itu ciri khas buah tin. Daun tebal seperti daun jati dan pendek.

Jenis ini paling produktif. Kulit buah bercorak garis-garis ungu dengan noda putih. Daging buahnya legit tapi rentan pecah. Di lidah, rasanya seperti campuran buah naga dan pepaya.

Kulit buah berwarna hijau kekuningan. Daging buah merah muda. Rasanya tidak terlalu manis, tapi tahan lama. Bisa dikonsumsi segar atau dikeringkan. Pohonnya kokoh dan berumur panjang. Jenis yang sudah dikebunkan secara massal ini tumbuh baik di pesisir atau daratan. Keunggulan lain, ia sangat produktif serta tahan panas dan kekeringan

Long Yellow
Sesuai dengan namanya, warna buah kuning dan tangkai buah panjang. Rasanya cukup manis. Dibandingkan jenis lain, pematangan buah agak lambat.

Ini dia jenis yang rasanya paling enak. Nama negronne disematkan karena jenis ini berasal dari distrik Negronne di Bordeaux, Perancis. Sebutan lainnya violette de bordeaux karena kulitnya memang ungu nyaris hitam dan berdaging merah tua. Si ungu dari Bordeaux ini cocok sebagai tabulampot. Sosok tanaman tegak, kokoh, dan cenderung kerdil.

Grise Saint Jean
Jenis Tin langka ini di import dari Francis, warna buah kuning-ke merahan , sangat produktif , rasa buah sangat manis , berat buah : 40-45 gram.

Jenis Tin langka dari Francis lainnya , warna buah Hitam - ke biruan , sangat elegant dan produktif , rasa buah sangat manis , berat buah : 50-60 gram , sangat di sukai oleh fig growers atau kolektor di USA dan Eropa.

Dauphine (San Pedro Type)
Varian Tin France langka ini mempunyai buah Tin yang sangat besar dengan berat : 100-120 gram, berwarna , Hijau kehitaman, sangat productive , dan sangat cocok di koleksi / di tanam dalam Pot , sebagai koleksi Tin Exclusive dirumah anda  . Buah brebanya sangat terkenal di Eropa secara komersial untuk dikonsumsi dalam bentuk Buah segar. (Fresh Figs).

Varian Tin France langka ini mempunyai buah Tin yang sangat Unique (umumnya-Lonjong /Bulat ) dengan berat : 55-65 gram , berwarna , hitam dark , productive dengan rasa buah yang manis. Kulit buahnya , agak tebal , sehingga tahan tranportasi comercial untuk buah Figs segar , sangat terkenal di Francis selatan , Portugal , dan beberapa negara Eropa Selatan secara komersial untuk dikonsumsi dalam bentuk Buah segar. (Fresh Figs).

Khurtmani (Red Turkey)
Mediteranian varian Tin ini mempunyai buah Tin yang besar dengan berat : 70-80 gram, berwarna , Merah-kehitaman , sangat productive , rasa sangat manis , daun berjari lima dan sangat adaptif di tanam di Indonesia. Tin ini adalah jenis buah Tin yang terbaik di negri asalnya Israel dan Lembah Jordan.

Brown Turkey
Varian Tin ini mempunyai buah Tin yang beratnya : 50-60 gram, berwarna coklat -kehitaman, dengan buah sangat productive , Rasa sangat manis.
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Membuat (MOL) Mikro Organisme Lokal dari Tape

MOL dari Tape

1. Masukan 1 ons Tape tadi kedalam botol mineral ukuran 1,5 liter.
2. Isi dengan air hingga hampir penuh (jangan terlalu penuh).
3. Masukkan 5 sendok gula kedalam botol yang telah diisi tape dan air tadi.
4. Kocok sebentar agar gula melarut.
5. Biarkan botol terbuka tidak tertutup selama 4-5 hari hingga berbau wangi alkohol, itu artinya MoL telah bisa di pakai.

Coba juga,
MOL dari Nasi

1. Nasi ( baru atau basi) dibentuk bulat sebesar bola pimpong sebanyak 4 buah.
2. Diamkan selama 3 hari sampai keluar jamur yang berwarna kuning, jingga, dan abu-abu.
3. Bola nasi jamuran , kemudian dimasukkan kedalam botol kosong.
4. Tuang air satu gayung yang sudah dicampur gula sebanyak 4 sendok makan kedalam botol berisi nasi basi.
5. Biarkan botol terbuka tidak ditutup diamkan selama 1 minggu (campuran nasi dan air gula tersebut akan berbau asam seperti tape)
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15 Figs Health Benefits & Nutrition Facts

Figs nutrition in the Muslim holy book called the tin fruit has many health benefits for the human body. Figs in latin name called Ficus carica L is a type of plant that originated from West Asia. This fruit contains a lot of sugar in large quantities, and also contains the main salts, the most important of which are calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C. So, figs is one of fruit that high in nutrient content.

Figs health benefits to treat mild disease such as get rid of acnes or pimples to prevent some cancer disease such as prostate cancer. Figs rich in beta-carotene, another high nutrient content in it is carbohydrates. Its contain vitamin A, C, E and K and other vitamins, also minerals such as calcium, copper, iron and so on. For complete information can be read at figs nutrition facts at the bottom of the post.

15 figs health benefits
1. Prevent cancer
Coumarin content of the figs, may also reduce the risk of Prostate Cancer. Eating figs regularly can help reduce the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer.

2. Reduce cholesterol
The soluble fiber found in figs called Pectin helps in reducing blood cholesterol.

3. Prevent high blood pressure and heart attack
The content of Potassium, Omega 3 and Omega 6 on fig fruit helps to maintain blood pressure and coronary heart attacks.

4. Help cure diabetes
Figs leaves have healing properties. Decoction of fig leaves can help patients with diabetes reduces the amount of insulin intake.

5. Consume figs can reduce fatigue, improve brain memory and prevent anemia.

6. Because laxative effect, consume the fruit is very helpful for treating chronic constipation.

7. Daily consumption of figs is an effective drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids cure.

8. When applied to the skin, baked figs can cure inflammations like abscesses and ulcers.

9. Due to its high water content, mashed figs acts as an excellent skin cleanser and helps in preventing and curing acne.

10. Figs are rich in calcium and calcium is an excellent alternative for the therapeutic treatment of people who are allergic to dairy products.

11. Figs are rich in natural Benzaldehid as Phenol and Anti-Tumor Agent and Micro-organisms can kill pathogens, fungus and virus in the human body.

12. Fig fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which makes them very effective for weight loss program (Obesity).

13. Content of Calcium and Potassium in figs prevent bone thinning (osteoporosis), and helps to increase bone density.

14. Content of Tryptophan in figs, induces good sleep and helps get rid of sleep disorders such as insomnia.

15. During this time, figs have also been used to treat sexual weakness.

Figs nutrition facts
  • Water : 79.11 g
  • Energy : 74 Kcal
  • Carbohydrates : 19.18 g
  • Protein : 0.75 g
  • Total Fat : 0.30 g
  • Cholesterol : 0 mg
  • Dietary Fiber : 2.9 g
  • Total Sugars : 16.26 g
  • Folates : 6 µg
  • Niacin : 0.400 mg
  • Riboflavin : 0.050 mg
  • Thiamin : 0.060
  • Vitamin A : 142 IU
  • Vitamin B6 : 0.113 µg
  • Vitamin C : 2 mg
  • Vitamin E : 0.11 mg
  • Vitamin K : 4.7 µg
  • Calcium : 35 mg
  • Iron : 0.37 mg
  • Magnesium : 17 mg
  • Phosphorus : 14 mg
  • Sodium : 1 mg
  • Zinc : 0.15 mg
  • Potassium : 232 mg
  • Saturated fatty acids : 0.060 g
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.066 g
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.144 g
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Tin Fruits (Fig Fruits) - Secrets Behind Fruit of Heaven

Fig (Ficus carica L.) is a type of fruit-producing plants that can be eaten which originated fromWest Asia. The fruit is named the same. The name is taken from the Arabic, also known by the name of "Ara" (fruit of the fig / fig tree), whereas in English called a fig, is still included relatives of the banyan tree.

Growing up in West Asia region, ranging from the coast of the Balkans to Afghanistan. Now is also cultivated in Australia, Chile, Argentina, and the United States.

Habitus in the form of trees, large and can grow up to 10m with soft shaft gray. The leaves are quite large and curvy in, 3 or 5 lobes.
Flowers tin does not seem as protected by the base of the flower that closes so that the thought of fruit. Pollination carried out by a special kind of wasp, just like the insects that pollinate other Ficus species.

The so-called fruit is actually a flower that forms the basis of spheres. This type is typical for all members of the tribe-araan fig (Moraceae). The fruit size of three to 5 cm long, green. Some cultivars change color to purple when ripe. The sap of this tree issued to irritate the skin.
Fig fruit can be eaten fresh, dried, or made jam. Fruit is picked must be used because it can not be stored longer (easily broken). In Bengali fig fruit is processed as a vegetable.

Privileges fig fruit

All that is created and bestowed by Allah SWT has its own privileges and advantages that we as humans sometimes do not know the silver lining. Many of us do not know the features found inFruit Tin and importance to health, perhaps because Fruit Tin is not from our country, but from the Middle East countries. Although Fruit Tin comes from Makkah, Syria, Palestine, Egypt as well, but also introduced in Italy about 2000 years ago which developed rapidly through the South of Europe, including Greece.Up in the Book Al-Qur'an there is also a special letter stating aboutTin Fruit and Olives, also Mount Tursina and country safe Makkah (Al-Qur'an - Surat At-Tin verses 1-3). If contemplated, surely there is wisdom behind it, why Allah swt has said in the Qur'an. This may be because the efficacy and merits unequaled by other fruits.

According to Imam Ibn Al Jawziyyah,

Fruit Tin has many benefits, including shortness of breath can reduce disease, cleanse the liver and spleen, as well as thinning phlegm, and provide good benefits to the body, as a precautionary measure to combat toxins in our bodies.

Prophet Muhammad also once said, "Had I say, Surely the fruit that fell from Heaven then I say, this is the fruit (Fig), there is no doubt the real fruit of paradise." (Hadith narrated by Abu Darba; Suyuti)

Along with these traditions, is also evidenced by the discoveries of science about the many features that can be taken from the grain Tin little-known fruit. Fruit Tin has different properties with other fruits as well as delicious and has a high health value.Apart from that, also useful as a material facilitating (laxative), retaining the element of pain and slums urine (diuretic).

Prof. J. A Vinson from Scranton University of the United States has made a study and prove that,Tin Fruit contains a high efficacy when compared with other fruits. Fruit Tin contains no violations, fat and cholesterol, but contain higher potassium, fiber and iron. The results of research in fruit 100gram Tin, contains 20% than the daily requirement of fiber substances our bodies. Of these, over 28% is a type of soluble fiber. Research shows that soluble fiber can help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood by binding in the digestive tract, when the insoluble fiber, can protect and prevent colon cancer (koion). Foods rich in fiber can reduce weight, thereforeFruit Tin is also very suitable to overcome a weight problem.

Tin fruit can be consumed per person, including children and is the best food for all ages, because the fruit contains high fiber Tin and sweet taste. So very appropriate if we eat this fruit, as an alternative food us to improve our daily health in this modern world.

One more feature that is contained in Fruit Tin is believed to have materials that can fight cancer. In the Fruit Tin contains "polyphenols" high functioning as an antioxidant that is very important for our bodies, because it can function as free radical in the body that cause cancer. In addition, Tin Fruit also contains other elements that became an anti-cancer substances, namely "benzaldehyde" and "coumarins."Benzaldehyde has been shown to act as anti-tumor material and "coumarins" is to treat skin and prostate cancer.

In addition, the presence of fiber, potassium and magnesium in the Fruit Tin can reduce wind attacks and is able to control high blood pressure. One good news for people with high blood diseases, because by eating the Fruit Tin made prevention of the disease. For diabetes, fiber contained in fruits Tin can memperlahan process of glucose absorption in the small intestine. Combined substance contained in Fruit Tin is high fiber and carbohydrate in the form of a compact, namely glucose and fructose is able to control one's blood sugar levels.

Accordingly, Dr. Oliver Alabaster, namely Steering Disease Prevention Institute at George Washington UniversityMedical Center stated that if someone takes Fruit Tin, actually has taken the food that ensures long-term health. So no wonder if Fruit Tin called by experts on the current food as Nutraseutikal food (functional food), because fruit Tin is not just contain substances that are efficacious, even more than that and is useful as a body guard and is able to prevent attacks, disease certain diseases.

In addition, the Institute for Fruit Tin Advisors in California (California Fig Advisory Board) has said Fruit Tin as "Nature's most Nearly perfect fruit", ie the fruit that almost reached the stage of perfection as a whole. WaAllahu a’lam Bisshowaab

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